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Note: After filling out the request form, you can send an e-mail to halitsalman@artuklu.edu.tr


Artuklu Library can request 5 theses per day via TÜBESS. The printed version of the theses is given to the requesting user.


In the meeting of the Executive Board of Higher Education dated 13.05.2014, it was approved that the theses in the National Thesis Centre Archive of the Council of Higher Education, which do not have permission to publish in digital media, be made available for research through the Turkish Document Provision and Lending System (TÜBESS) operated by TÜBİTAK - ULAKBİM. In accordance with the said decision, according to the article (6.3.5) of the Obligations of the Requesting Institution section of the TÜBESS Participation Protocol;

 * TÜBESS member libraries will forward the requests from their researchers to the Council of Higher Education Thesis Centre,
 * The Thesis Centre will send the requested thesis to the university library electronically,
 * Libraries will deliver print copies of theses provided electronically to researchers for use in individual research,
 * The documents delivered to the researchers will be deleted from the computer system and will not be archived under any circumstances.

 * For post-2006 theses, the thesis author may impose a restriction of maximum 3 (three) years from the date of approval of the thesis for reasons such as the thesis being in the process of being published by a publishing house or a patent  application related to the thesis. When you click on the thesis number, you should pay attention to the explanations about the status of the thesis.
 * Since the documents provided through TÜBESS will be for direct use for education and research purposes, a request should be made in accordance with this condition. No commercial transaction can be made on the resources provided.

T.C. Mardin Artuklu University Rectorate